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युवाहरुलाई आफनै देशमा उद्यम गर्न वातावरण सृजना गर्नु पर्नेमा जोडसोम गुरुङ, धनगढी २ जेष्ठ ÷ उद्यमी युवा समृद्ध देश : दिगो विकास लक्ष्यमा समान परिवेश भन्ने मुल नाराका साथ शुरु भएको प्रदेश युवा सम्मेलन ११ बुँदे धनगढी घोषणा पत्र जारी गर्दै जेष्ठ २ मा सम्पन्न भएको छ ।

The First Edition of the Asian Sensation Masterpeaces with the headline “Creating Peace Together.” will be a unique event that…

As defined by the National Youth Policy, 2072(2015), youth means “citizens within the age bracket of 16 to 40 years”. The numbers of the Youths constitute 40.3% of the total population of Nepal which age-group keeps willingness and capacity…

Nepal Youth Council and MasterPeace organized a day program on “SDGs: Youth and Environment” on 29th March 2019. The program…

The First Edition of the Asian Youth Summit with the headline “Creating Impact. Together.” will be a unique event that…

Congratulations!!! to all the selected participants for the wildlife training which will take place from 20th February -8th March 2017…

Social Media Bootcamp 2017 Subha Media Group Pvt. Ltd. & Nepal Youth Council jointly is organizing one day training workshop…

NTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND “World Environment Day has been celebrated on 5th June annually since 1974 .This year, this very day…

Pokhara, 15 January 2018: With the motto of ‘Decentralization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’, Nepal Youth Council (NYC) in collaboration with…

Social Media Bootcamp 2017 Subha Media Group Pvt. Ltd. & Nepal Youth Council jointly is organizing one day training workshop…

HELP FOR EARTHQUAKE VICTIM STUDENTS IN NEPAL The Devastating Earthquake occurred on April 25 followed by the series of aftershocks,…

The First Edition of the National Youth Council Book Inauguration Ceremony will be a unique event that…